dimanche 9 août 2015

Genital Herpes: Symptoms and Treatments

L'herpès génital 
It is estimated that genital herpes affects about two million people in France. If the first contact of the body with the virus goes unnoticed in 90% of cases, however when he says, it usually manifests itself by signs very painful.
Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a virus, the herpes simplex virus. Recurrent seizures can cause pain and discomfort that impair quality of life.
Recognizing Genital HerpesSymptomsThe herpes symptoms are present in 10% of cases. They are very painful at the site of infection (sex, buttocks, thighs), sometimes accompanied by fever, headaches and stomach pains.
In women
It starts with itching, burning, tingling. Pain may be felt in passing urine. Redness appears at the vulva followed by vesicles (or small blisters), grouped in bunches. Then these blisters break virus responsible for causing small wounds and raw, sometimes very painful. Scarring occurs only after 2 or 3 weeks and the crust which is formed falls. The symptoms may be accompanied by vaginal discharge.In some women, herpes can be localized in the vagina and even the cervix, which makes diagnosis difficult, because signs are not visible to the naked eye.

In humans
In humans, the symptoms are often less painful and faster healing (ten days). The affected areas are usually on the penis and prepuce (the fold of skin covering the glans penis).Herpes can also be located on the small skin area between the two. It is particularly troublesome and time consuming to heal when the lesions are located on the testes.The diagnosisOnly the doctor can establish a reliable diagnosis. Indeed, herpes can be mistaken for other diseases affecting the sexual organs (thrush, urinary tract infection, other STDs ...) because the symptoms are similar.To find out if you are carrying the virus, there are two methods: by sampling using swabs (sort of big cotton swab) and then rubbed on the lesions cultured and / or with a hold of blood.It is important to consult your doctor at the onset of symptoms or before any painful injury, irritation, discomfort or single sex organs because any delay in the consultation can make diagnosis more difficult.Modes of transmissionThe first contact of the body with the genital herpes virus occurs during sexual intercourse, with or without penetration with a person with herpes lesions on sex, buttocks or thighs, or simply carrying the virus without symptoms. In case of cold sore intercourse by contacting the mouth with sex may be the cause of transmission of the virus present on the lips sexual parts of the partner. This is the case of 1 to 30% of genital herpes. The reverse is also possible.A disease recurrenceOnce contracted the virus, it remains in the body for life, hidden in a nerve ganglion lower back. There he took up residence there for life. It appears more or less regularly, took the same route as on the way nervous and reappears where it took place: these are the herpes outbreaks, also called "relapses" or "crises", the frequency and the intensity varies from one person to another.Complications of herpetic diseaseComplications of herpes disease can sometimes be severe, especially if the eyes are contaminated or during pregnancy if the baby is infected by the mother during childbirth, with serious consequences for the newborn.Particular careGenital herpes is not a shameful disease. This is falsely reassuring to say that one knows his partner and we risk nothing: your partner can perfectly transmit the virus without knowing himself that he is a carrier. If, however, guilt becomes invasive or herpes outbreaks become too annoying, it is desirable to be able to talk with your doctor. The consultation is confidential.Genital herpes screening, like other STDs, can also be performed anonymously and free of charge in hospitals and family planning clinics. The addresses of these centers can be obtained by Minitel (AIDS 3611 code, and the department number).Diagnosis and treatmentAny delay in the consultation can make diagnosis more difficult. It is very important to consult your doctor at the onset of symptoms.Effective treatments exist. Antiviral drugs administered systemically reduce seizure frequency and thus reduce the contagiousness, relieving the pain of the blow. The latter being often intense, it is important to treat it. Applying Clareva®, a triglyceride gel oxidized available over the counter in pharmacies, relieves pain in 24 hours and promotes faster wound healing.These treatments are introduced more quickly, they are active. It is therefore consult your doctor at the first sign of any symptoms even if in doubt about a possible contamination.

Created in 1998, the Association Herpes includes health professionals from different medical disciplines involved in the disease. Its mission is to act against the growing development of the herpes infection with two primary objectives: to support patients with herpes and develop prevention by communicating about the disease.

Herpes Association conducts numerous information and awareness campaigns aimed at health professionals and the general public.

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