vendredi 31 juillet 2015

How to prepare your suitcase for motherhood?

Comment préparer sa valise pour la maternité ?
Arrange for the delivery room
Pack a small bag to the delivery room. On the day, it will be easier to get "light" with your suitcases for a week! Another practical tip: make a list of everything you need to bring. If you have to leave in a hurry, you'll be sure not to forget anything. Allow a large t-shirt, a pair of socks, a fogger (you can ask the dad to spray water on your face during delivery), but also books, magazines or music, if the work last long and that you are fit enough to distract you and spend time.
Remember your medical file: blood group card, results of examinations performed during pregnancy, ultrasounds, radios if there was vital card, insurance card ...
See also our file: The maternity stayEverything for your maternity stay
Above all, choose comfortable clothes. Without remaining in pajamas throughout your stay, you will not will return in your favorite jeans just after delivery! If you have had a cesarean, taking loose clothing so they do not rub on the scar. It is often hot in maternity wards, so make sure you take a few t-shirts (Breastfeeding practices if you choose to breastfeed). For the rest, take what you take to go on weekend bathrobe or dressing gown, a nightgown and / or a large shirt, slippers and comfortable and easy to put on shoes (ballerinas, thongs ), towels and your toilet bag. You will also need disposable underpants (or washable) mesh and sanitary protection.
You wish to breastfeed? So take with you two nursing bras (for size, choose the one you make in late pregnancy), a box of nursing pads, a pair of milk collection and a pillow or nursing pillow. Consider also the hairdryer if an episiotomy is performed.Baby trousseau for the birth
Check with your maternity whether to provide or not the layers. Sometimes there is a package. Also ask for sheets of the pram and towel.
Allow outfits 0 or 1 month, depending of course on the size of your baby (better to take too big too small): pajamas, bodysuits, vests, bibs, a cotton cap birth, socks, a sleeping bag , blanket, cloth diapers to protect the pram if regurgitation and why not little mittens to prevent your baby will claw. According maternity wards, you will need to bring a bottom sheet, a top sheet.The toiletry bag your baby
Motherhood usually provides most of toiletries. However, you can buy them now as you will need to return home. You need a saline box in pads to clean the eyes and nose, a disinfectant (Biseptine) and an antiseptic referred to asséchante (type aqueous eosin) for cord care. Remember to bring a special baby liquid soap and body hair, cotton, sterile compresses, hair brush or comb and a digital thermometer.

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