vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Testimony childbirth without an epidural

Témoignage d'un accouchement sans péridurale
Lisa put her daughter in the world without an epidural. It was not a choice, starting ... She tells this incredible adventure
I gave birth without an epiduralBefore you even go to the anesthesiologist during the eighth month of pregnancy, I suspected diagnosis ... Following surgery in the back to adolescence, the epidural was technically impossible. I had prepared for this possibility and I was not surprised by the announcement of the physician. My reaction was certainly influenced by his kindness and his way of presenting things. "You midwife as did our mothers and grandmothers" he said, simply. He also said that many women still gave birth without an epidural, by choice or not. The advantage, in my situation is that I knew what I was going to and I still had a little time to prepare myself physically and psychologically.Hospitalized for a triggerIn the course of preparation for childbirth pool I practiced for several months, I added a homeopathic treatment, a few sessions of acupuncture and osteopathy. Everything is supposed to encourage childbirth. The term approaching increasingly being exceeded then, they doubled the dose to try to avoid having to induce labor. But baby that was not his head, and had nothing to do manipulations the osteopath and midwives! Four days after the date of the term, I was hospitalized for a trigger. Applying a first dose of local gel and then a second the next day ... but no contraction on the horizon. As the second day of hospitalization, the contractions are (finally) arrived! Eight hours of intensive work with the support of my husband and the midwife who had accompanied me to the pool sessions. No epidural, I had the opportunity to sit on a large balloon for the duration of the work, not my way on the delivery table for expulsion.My breathing was changing the rhythm of contractionsI remembered the words of midwives to the pool and I took it all for that nonsense, I ended up being surprised by the effect of breathing on pain. Throughout the work, I lay with eyes closed, imagining me into the pool to reproduce the exercises with concentration. Finally, after an hour spent on the delivery table, Meline, 3.990 kg and 53.5 cm, was born. After living my delivery as I lived, I do not regret the epidural. I think if you told me today that I can get, I would prefer not to make that choice. I saw a story about a woman who gave birth under epidural and was happening sleeping or tell a joke to her husband between contractions. It bore no resemblance to the reality of childbirth. Of course, every birth is unique and is experienced differently by each woman. But today I can say that I have not given birth without an epidural by constraint but by choice, and I'm anxious to start!

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