Emergency deliveries at home: the instructions of SamuImpromptu deliveries at home: it happens!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013, due to heavy snowfall, AnaĂŻs had to give birth to her little Lisa with the help of firefighters in the living room of her mother-in Offranville (Seine-Maritime). A few minutes, she could have given birth to the child with a simple telephone support. "My companion had thought that at worst, if the fire did not come in time with the Smur [mobile emergency and resuscitation], he would contact a doctor who would give advice by phone to give birth to me. "
Another mom in the Pyrenees, had no choice but to give birth at home, in the dark after a power outage caused by snow. She was guided by firefighters on the phone. As she told the daily The Republic of the Pyrenees: "My daughter was in a ball, she did not move, she was all blue ... This is where I got very scared. I started screaming andthe firefighter explained gestures to do. He told me to check if the cord was not wrapped around her neck. This was the case. I had not even seen! He then told me to do him mouth-to-mouth. Ava has regained its colors quickly. She moved "
This is a recurring anxiety on the Net: And if I could not make it to motherhood because of the snow? As this mom on a forum: "I am very anxious for some days: in my area roads are impassable because of snow. No vehicle may circulate. I have many contractions.Comment will I do if the birth goes off? "Or this other..?" That may be a matter a bit stupid but ... Last year we had three days of snow 80 / 90cm I am how I am eventually if I go again this year asked the farmer he leads me to the tractor motherhood? I call the fire department? "
These situations are not in fact so rare when weather conditions are complicated. Dr. Gilles Bagou, emergency physician anesthesiologist at Samu Lyon, found in recent years an increase in the number of babies born at home in urgency in the Lyon region. In 2012, 98 newborns have pointed the tip of their nose at home, out of the blue.
"When a woman calls urgently, explaining that she is about to give birth, first we check if the various decision-making elements to say that the birth is imminent are present, he asks . Then you have to know if she is alone or with someone. A third person will help better position or may fetch towels or sheets as reinforcements. "The doctor advises lying on the side or squatting since the baby will look to dive down.
The doctor wants all very reassuring when: "all women are made to give birth alone. Of course, the ideal is to be motherhood, especially if there is a complication, but physiologically, when everything is normal from a medical point of view, women are all designed to give life by them- same. We merely accompany them, that one is on the phone or in the delivery room. "
First step: the management of contractions. On the phone, the physician should help the woman to breathe during contractions, minute after minute. The mother must return air between contractions and most importantly, very important to push during the contraction. Among these, for breathing normally. "In three expulsive efforts, the child will be there. It is important not to make the baby even in the beginning when the head appears and redisparaît with the next contraction. "
Once out the baby, it is critical to immediately bring warm against the mother's womb and dry, especially in the head with a towel. It must be protected from the cold because it is the first risk for a newborn. To react, you have to tickle the soles of her feet. The baby will cry in response to the air entering for the first time in his lungs. "If the cord is wrapped around the baby's neck, once outside, it is not absolutely necessary to release him immediately, Gilles Bagou ensures there is no risk to the child." D In general, avoid touching the cord, and wait for help "possibly can the clamp, using kitchen string that we will build in two places:. ten centimeters of the umbilicus and then a little higher. But this is not indispensable. "The placenta, however, must come down by itself after 15-30 minutes. It may be that a party be stuck in the vagina, it require that someone emerges completely. In general, for this delicate operation, relief had time to arrive.
Doctors Samu firefighters or rather accustomed to such situations. The caller on the line will seek to reassure, calm, speaking firmly for Mum to do the right thing, and encourage continuously to allow it to better manage the delivery solo. "Just as motherhood, the doctor accompanies the mother until the expulsion, but as always when everything goes well, it is she who does everything."
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