The home birth practice
Epidural, episiotomy, forceps ... they do not want it! Moms who choose home birth, wishing above all to flee the hospital environment they find surmédicalisé.
At home, pregnant women feel manage childbirth, not suffer it. "We do not impose anything to the mother. She can eat, take a bath, two baths, a walk in the garden etc. Being home allows him to live the birth of his child fully and as it sees fit. We are there to ensure that everything goes well. But it is she who chooses his position or who decides when it starts growing eg, "said Virginia Lecaille liberal midwife. Freedom and control offered by a home birth requires considerable preparation. "Any woman can not give birth at home. You have to have a certain maturity and awareness of what constitutes such an adventure"
In the Netherlands, home birth is a very common practice: almost 30% of babies are born at home!Homebirth enhanced surveillance
Giving birth at home is reserved only for mothers in perfect health. Pregnancies at risk are of course excluded. In addition, about 4% of home births end at the hospital! An expectant mother who wants to give birth to her child at home must wait until the eighth month of pregnancy to get the green light from the midwife. Not planning a home birth if you are pregnant with twins or triplets, you will be denied! It will be the same if your baby is in the seat, if the birth is premature announcement, if, on the contrary, gestation exceeds 42 SA or if you have hypertension, gestational diabetes, etc.Better safe motherhood upstream
"Obviously, we do not take any risks during a home birth if the baby's heart slows down, if the mother loses too much blood or simply if done in torque demand, we go on to the hospital field "said V. Lecaille. That there must be a transfer! Parents and the midwife who accompanies them in this adventure must know how to go if motherhood issue. Even if the hospital can not refuse a woman in labor, better thinking to enroll in a maternity during her pregnancy and prevent the institution you are considering a home birth. A prenatal visit with a midwife from the hospital and taking an appointment with the anesthesiologist in the eighth month allows a medical record ready. What facilitate the work of doctors in case of an emergency transfer.Birth at home: a true team
Most often, only one midwife attends the mother who gives birth at home. It establishes a very intimate relationship with prospective parents. They are fifty in France to practice of home births. Midwives provide comprehensive support only. "If everything goes well, the mother may not meet doctor for nine months!" Midwives keep track of pregnancy: they examine the mother, the baby's heart monitor etc. Some are even entitled to do ultrasounds. But "the biggest part of our work is to prepare home birth with the parents. For this, we are discussing a lot. We take the time to listen to them, to reassure them. The goal is to give them all key to make them feel competent to put their child into the world Sometimes the discussion goes beyond. Some are eager to talk about their relationship problems, sexuality ... things we never talk during a prenatal visit in the hospital, "said V. Lecaille.
On the day, the role of the midwife is to guide delivery and to ensure that everything goes for the best. No hope of any intervention: epidural infusions, use of forceps or vacuum are not part of his skills!
When we choose to give birth at home, it necessarily involves the daddy! Men generally feel more actor than spectator: "I'm happy and proud to have lived this birth at home, I think I was more active, more confident and relaxed as if we were in the maternity" says Samuel, Emilia companion and father of Louis.
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