mercredi 5 août 2015

Emergency contraception: the role of the pharmacist

Nearly 95% of emergency contraception demands are without a prescription. These products available in pharmacies without a prescription since 2001 are free for minor since January 2002. But the pharmacist's role goes far beyond the simple issue.

"The issuance of emergency contraception without a prescription and free for minors is in my opinion a revolution comparable to that of the legalization of abortion," says bluntly Jean Lamarche, pharmacist and member of the National Council of order.

Inform and prevent
Contraception urgence
To fight against a still significant number of abortions, the law allows the delivery without prescription emergency contraception since December 2001 and free for minors since January 2002.

Emergency contraception is the only hormonal specialty without prescription. This feature gives the pharmacist a leading role. "The pharmacist is an important link in the chain of information that frames contraception. It is indeed present in pharmacies to remind and assist each prescription of regular contraceptive advice and information, particularly in case of accidents and oversights "says Jean Lamarche.
While these pills oversights are common (65% of women on the pill forget at least once a year), most women are unaware of the risks of pregnancy in case of higher oblivion to 12 hours (3 hours the minipills) and the importance of rapid use of emergency contraception. For that improves the situation, the pharmacist must deliver information on contraception permanently and reiterate on issuance of any contraceptive method. Addressing the risk of failure, to end the myth of the 14th day (which is not the exclusive day of ovulation) are all tasks of the pharmacist, who must know more respond to the emergency ... or better anticipate it.Receive emergency
The effectiveness of emergency contraception is optimal if taken early, within 24 hours following risk sex (but by no means a 100% effectiveness). For the speed of decision is optimal, the issuing in advance of a box of Levonelle ® or EllaOne® associated with the renewal pill could be an interesting option. But on this point, Jean Lamarche admits he struggled to educate physicians through the national council of the order.
However, things have changed since NorLevo® EllaOne® and are now counter in pharmacies (and issued free of charge and anonymously minor) .A note, regardless of the chosen molecule, the more it is taken earlier, more effective it will be. The manufacturer, HRA Pharma has deferred the announcement of this dispensation without prescription to have time to train pharmacists in personalized advice on emergency contraception.
"The issue in advance does not cause abuse, but enhances however an early remedy for contraceptive accident. Given the effectiveness of these products, it is best to always have a box The slogan itself with -. The urgency, it is anticipated - is in this respect excellent "says Jean Lamarche.
But this vision is still optimistic because despite the many announcements made in professional journals all pharmacists are not properly trained in prevention, and they are not all made vis-à-vis emergency contraception.Too many pharmacists still violate the law
"Too many pharmacists ignore the free issue of Levonelle ® for minors. Yet repayment is extremely fast and easy, great confidence has indeed been developed so that the pharmacist be easily repaid without an identity control minor is required. It is therefore pharmacists to invest to better manage the preventive aspect of public health "admits Jean Lamarche.
A no-brainer if you look at the number of practitioners who respect the law. "It is estimated that half of the pharmacists major cities and two-thirds in Paris do not respect the law and thus affranchiraient the obligation to deliver a box of free Levonelle ® to minors who request it. Currently the 'National Pharmacists deals very seriously this issue with different information in our newsletter last year. Moreover, the head of the regional council of the College of Pharmacists has sent personalized letters to recalcitrant pharmacies "admits Jean Lamarche.
Ignorance of the law, souvenirs related to repayment difficulties in the first months of merchantability or moral overtones of another age? Difficult to see clearly. Yet the stakes are high: 6000 than 10 000 minor undergo a yearly abortion.

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