One third of pregnancies are planned, including a large part due to contraceptive failure. The abortion still appears as the women's favorite way to stop it,
despite the existence of emergency contraception, although less
traumatic physically and psychologically.
Emergency contraception is still underutilized. The
fact that a new pill of this type, effective longer be marketed and now
repaid might be possible to reduce the recourse to abortion, and a
better understanding of the risk of pregnancy and wider use new effective contraception available today.The number of abortions did not decline
210,000: the number of interruptions Volunteers Pregnancy (VIP) carried out each year in France. A number that has remained stable since the mid 80 The appearance of the emergency contraceptive or "morning after pill" or the "day after" will therefore not result in less recourse to abortion, which appears more than ever as the method of choice to terminate an unwanted pregnancy (60% of unplanned pregnancies result in abortion, against 40% 30 years ago), commented Dr. Caroline Moreau, an epidemiologist at Inserm, during a press conference organized by HRA Pharma.
These abortions are performed mostly in women who do not wish to carry their pregnancy to term, a fairly common situation if you believe data from the COCON (Inserm, 2000-2004) and the Health Barometer INPE (Report "Contraception: the French know that?", 2007). They show that a third of pregnancies are unplanned, representing 350,000 pregnancies each year. However, 2/3 of these pregnant women without having desired using contraception at the time of its occurrence. Pill failure in 1/4 of cases (an oversight or a stop in 90.5% of cases) and failure methods "natural" time 1 to 5. These are also used by some women, pill remains the reference method of contraception for women 57.4%, and even 88% of young people between 15 and 25 years, despite the availability of effective contraceptives such as implants or vaginal ring.The morning after pill best known youth
For these women, the laboratories have therefore developed a pill called "catching up". Repaid and sold without a prescription pill levonorgestrel (Levonelle ®, HRA Pharma) has "boosted" the use of emergency contraception, which increased by 72% in 5 years. Much more than older women, young women have appropriated this pill, whose use rose from 16-32% among 20-24 years and 12-30% among 15-19 year olds. High-profile, pregnancies occurring in young girls surely there are many.
Conversely, in women 25-34 years old, the use of morning-after pill is only spent 10 to 16.8%, and 7.1 to 9.7% for those aged 35-44 years. To believe that, beyond 25 years, women do not feel concerned by the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Or they do not see themselves as the target of this emergency contraceptive method. The figures lean towards this second hypothesis, since women of this age contribute to 60% in the number of abortions, which amounts to 250 000 per year.
One can regret the insufficient use of morning-after pill, in favor of a voluntary interruption of pregnancy painful both physically and mentally. Thus, one third of women aged 18 to 44 are potentially at risk of an unwanted pregnancy, but only 11% of them use emergency contraception. Day after pill sales prove one of the low attractiveness, with a ceiling of 1.2 million units in 2008 when the needs are estimated at 24 million (number of risk reports related to improper use of the pill or condom ).An underestimation of the risk of pregnancy
Why such a gap between the needs and the use of emergency contraception? According to a survey of women who performed an abortion, many of them underestimate the risk of pregnancy to which they are exposed in inadequately protected intercourse (61.2%). Some admit to not having thought (19.9%) when others say they thought it was too late to be effective (12.4%).
For Dr. Christian Jamin, endocrinologist gynecologist in Paris, "the speech insisting that we should not abuse the emergency contraception was understood that it is not tolerated." Belief that doctors are struggling to fight, especially since his demedicalisation (purchase without prescription) led them to "gradually withdraw from the emergency contraceptive field." The expert therefore calls on health professionals to reinvest this field of women's health and to address the issue of emergency contraception during their consultations. "The issues of abortion and emergency contraception should be part of any gynecological consultation, and emergency contraception should be prescribed to any woman who does not wish to carry a pregnancy to term or who live very poorly" , insisted the specialist.
No question as to consider the emergency pill as a contraceptive in the long term. "Emergency contraception should remain punctual and considered a second chance compared to conventional contraception". On this point, the data from a survey 2 on the impact of emergency contraception on the conventional method are reassuring: this event has led 20.3% of women to choose more effective contraception and not to abandon the methods medical.EllaOne ® now repaid
If the arrival on the market 1 year ago of the latest generation ® EllaOne emergency pill has not really made a difference, a refund of 65% announced September 20, 2010 by the HRA Pharma laboratory could compete. * This new molecule based ulipristal acetate is a selective modulator of progesterone receptors and thus acts by inhibiting ovulation, which gives it great efficiency, assured Erin Gainer, President and CEO of HRA Pharma.
Unlike Levonelle ® (reference molecule), whose efficacy decreases rapidly within hours after sexual intercourse, that of Ellaone ® is maintained for 5 days, which corresponds to the lifetime of the spermatozoa in the genital tract. This is the first generation of products to intervene at this stage of the cycle. It is also nearly 2 times more effective if taken within 3 days after the report, according to the results of a study 3, and 3 times more if taken within 24 hours, which were incorporated by the European Medicines Agency in the Summary of Product Characteristics of this pill.
ellaOne is directly available in pharmacies without prescription required. And if it is fairly well tolerated, women need to know that 10-15% of them may experience nausea (and not vomiting, which only occur in less than 3% of women), headache and breast tenderness within 48 hours after taking. They will however much less spotting (bleeding between cycles) and will see the arrival of their next menstrual delayed for about two days.
In summary, you should know that today, NorLevo EllaOne® and are freely available in pharmacies (and issued free of charge and anonymous to minors) and that, regardless of the chosen molecule, the more it is taken earlier, more effective it will be.
According to a Harris Interactive poll conducted in late August 2010 with 1000 persons:
- Nearly one quarter of women of childbearing age of the children resort to any means of contraception, or they do not have sexual relations (33%) or because they wish to have a child.
- 40% use the pill well ahead of contraceptive methods, far ahead of methods called "barriers" (mainly male condoms, and to a much lesser extent female condoms, cervical cap and the diaphragm) who seduce only 18% of women (especially young, single and without children).
- 4% of women and 1% of men chose a method of permanent contraception (tubal ligation tubes or non-surgical method for raw, vasectomy for the latter).
- For a vast majority of French (83%), contraception is a couple of case. Young women (15-24), however, are more numerous (25%) to think that it is instead an exclusively female case.
- Women willingly approach the subject of contraception with their gynecologist (62%), they consider best able to address this issue (79% women); they also talk with their partner (45%); GP, judged less competent on this issue is rarely sought. Most young people turn more readily to their family environment (65%), friendly (59%) or partner (56%) than to a health professional (48% to 42% by gynecologist and general practitioner).
- If men have no problem to talk about contraception (87% find it easy to talk with their partner), they are however only 44% have given advice about this and 34% have asked a particular method.
210,000: the number of interruptions Volunteers Pregnancy (VIP) carried out each year in France. A number that has remained stable since the mid 80 The appearance of the emergency contraceptive or "morning after pill" or the "day after" will therefore not result in less recourse to abortion, which appears more than ever as the method of choice to terminate an unwanted pregnancy (60% of unplanned pregnancies result in abortion, against 40% 30 years ago), commented Dr. Caroline Moreau, an epidemiologist at Inserm, during a press conference organized by HRA Pharma.
These abortions are performed mostly in women who do not wish to carry their pregnancy to term, a fairly common situation if you believe data from the COCON (Inserm, 2000-2004) and the Health Barometer INPE (Report "Contraception: the French know that?", 2007). They show that a third of pregnancies are unplanned, representing 350,000 pregnancies each year. However, 2/3 of these pregnant women without having desired using contraception at the time of its occurrence. Pill failure in 1/4 of cases (an oversight or a stop in 90.5% of cases) and failure methods "natural" time 1 to 5. These are also used by some women, pill remains the reference method of contraception for women 57.4%, and even 88% of young people between 15 and 25 years, despite the availability of effective contraceptives such as implants or vaginal ring.The morning after pill best known youth
For these women, the laboratories have therefore developed a pill called "catching up". Repaid and sold without a prescription pill levonorgestrel (Levonelle ®, HRA Pharma) has "boosted" the use of emergency contraception, which increased by 72% in 5 years. Much more than older women, young women have appropriated this pill, whose use rose from 16-32% among 20-24 years and 12-30% among 15-19 year olds. High-profile, pregnancies occurring in young girls surely there are many.
Conversely, in women 25-34 years old, the use of morning-after pill is only spent 10 to 16.8%, and 7.1 to 9.7% for those aged 35-44 years. To believe that, beyond 25 years, women do not feel concerned by the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Or they do not see themselves as the target of this emergency contraceptive method. The figures lean towards this second hypothesis, since women of this age contribute to 60% in the number of abortions, which amounts to 250 000 per year.
One can regret the insufficient use of morning-after pill, in favor of a voluntary interruption of pregnancy painful both physically and mentally. Thus, one third of women aged 18 to 44 are potentially at risk of an unwanted pregnancy, but only 11% of them use emergency contraception. Day after pill sales prove one of the low attractiveness, with a ceiling of 1.2 million units in 2008 when the needs are estimated at 24 million (number of risk reports related to improper use of the pill or condom ).An underestimation of the risk of pregnancy
Why such a gap between the needs and the use of emergency contraception? According to a survey of women who performed an abortion, many of them underestimate the risk of pregnancy to which they are exposed in inadequately protected intercourse (61.2%). Some admit to not having thought (19.9%) when others say they thought it was too late to be effective (12.4%).
For Dr. Christian Jamin, endocrinologist gynecologist in Paris, "the speech insisting that we should not abuse the emergency contraception was understood that it is not tolerated." Belief that doctors are struggling to fight, especially since his demedicalisation (purchase without prescription) led them to "gradually withdraw from the emergency contraceptive field." The expert therefore calls on health professionals to reinvest this field of women's health and to address the issue of emergency contraception during their consultations. "The issues of abortion and emergency contraception should be part of any gynecological consultation, and emergency contraception should be prescribed to any woman who does not wish to carry a pregnancy to term or who live very poorly" , insisted the specialist.
No question as to consider the emergency pill as a contraceptive in the long term. "Emergency contraception should remain punctual and considered a second chance compared to conventional contraception". On this point, the data from a survey 2 on the impact of emergency contraception on the conventional method are reassuring: this event has led 20.3% of women to choose more effective contraception and not to abandon the methods medical.EllaOne ® now repaid
If the arrival on the market 1 year ago of the latest generation ® EllaOne emergency pill has not really made a difference, a refund of 65% announced September 20, 2010 by the HRA Pharma laboratory could compete. * This new molecule based ulipristal acetate is a selective modulator of progesterone receptors and thus acts by inhibiting ovulation, which gives it great efficiency, assured Erin Gainer, President and CEO of HRA Pharma.
Unlike Levonelle ® (reference molecule), whose efficacy decreases rapidly within hours after sexual intercourse, that of Ellaone ® is maintained for 5 days, which corresponds to the lifetime of the spermatozoa in the genital tract. This is the first generation of products to intervene at this stage of the cycle. It is also nearly 2 times more effective if taken within 3 days after the report, according to the results of a study 3, and 3 times more if taken within 24 hours, which were incorporated by the European Medicines Agency in the Summary of Product Characteristics of this pill.
ellaOne is directly available in pharmacies without prescription required. And if it is fairly well tolerated, women need to know that 10-15% of them may experience nausea (and not vomiting, which only occur in less than 3% of women), headache and breast tenderness within 48 hours after taking. They will however much less spotting (bleeding between cycles) and will see the arrival of their next menstrual delayed for about two days.
In summary, you should know that today, NorLevo EllaOne® and are freely available in pharmacies (and issued free of charge and anonymous to minors) and that, regardless of the chosen molecule, the more it is taken earlier, more effective it will be.
According to a Harris Interactive poll conducted in late August 2010 with 1000 persons:
- Nearly one quarter of women of childbearing age of the children resort to any means of contraception, or they do not have sexual relations (33%) or because they wish to have a child.
- 40% use the pill well ahead of contraceptive methods, far ahead of methods called "barriers" (mainly male condoms, and to a much lesser extent female condoms, cervical cap and the diaphragm) who seduce only 18% of women (especially young, single and without children).
- 4% of women and 1% of men chose a method of permanent contraception (tubal ligation tubes or non-surgical method for raw, vasectomy for the latter).
- For a vast majority of French (83%), contraception is a couple of case. Young women (15-24), however, are more numerous (25%) to think that it is instead an exclusively female case.
- Women willingly approach the subject of contraception with their gynecologist (62%), they consider best able to address this issue (79% women); they also talk with their partner (45%); GP, judged less competent on this issue is rarely sought. Most young people turn more readily to their family environment (65%), friendly (59%) or partner (56%) than to a health professional (48% to 42% by gynecologist and general practitioner).
- If men have no problem to talk about contraception (87% find it easy to talk with their partner), they are however only 44% have given advice about this and 34% have asked a particular method.
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