vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Epidural: what are the cons-indications?

Péridurale : quelles sont les contre-indications ?
The majority of births are taking place under epidural. A consultation with the anesthesiologist is also provided for in the eighth month of pregnancy to inform the mother, prescribe a blood test and detect any cons-indications. Details of these special situations.A bleeding disorder
If the mechanisms that allow the blood to clot is disturbed, this can cause bleeding. The danger is that a hematoma creates and compresses the small nerve roots located in the epidural space, causing paralysis. This can occur if the mother suffers from a congenital disease affecting coagulation, anticoagulation following to prevent phlebitis, or whose platelets (blood components involved in clotting) fell. The latter case is sometimes manifested in severe pre-eclampsia.Possible infection
When the mother has a skin wound, abscess or buttons at the lumbar region, germs could spread by the bite point in the cerebrospinal fluid. Complications can be severe such as meningitis. Same thing if over 38 ° fever. That is why we systematically monitor maternal inlet temperature in the delivery room.A neurological problem
Illness or major neurological tumor may in some cases indicate an against-epidural. Generally the aim is known before delivery and the decision whether or not to put it decides with the neurologist, the obstetrician and anesthesiologist. It depends of course on the severity and possible consequences of the disorder.An allergy risk
Allergies products (local anesthetics, opioids) used during an epidural are extremely rare. However, they can be serious for mom. That is why expectant mothers should report to the anesthetist all their allergies, even light.A back of the malformation
A back straight is usually a guarantee of placement of the epidural easy and carefree. But if the mother was made or suffers from a significant scoliosis, technical gesture becomes more complicated. Generally the anesthetist deviates a bit to find the most favorable place and manages to implement it. To avoid last minute surprises, careful examination of your back to the consultation is essential.A poorly placed tattoo
Beware, if you decided to get a tattoo in the lower back, you may have to do without epidural! Do not panic if you arborez in a small and quiet but it is huge, and just at the puncture site is not won. the reason ? The ink may migrate into the spinal fluid and cause neurological complications. It's more a matter of prudence because at present it's never happened.

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