vendredi 31 juillet 2015

What alternatives to the epidural?

Quelles alternatives à la péridurale ?
If more than 60% of moms are opting for an epidural during childbirth, some choose other methods, softer, to relieve labor pains. For this, a good preparation for the birth and the support of the obstetric team are essential. Range of different possibilities.AcupunctureIssue of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture involves placing fine needles on specific points of the body. Rest assured, this is not painful. In addition, some tingling. This method does not completely eliminate the pain of contractions, but reduces those located in the lower back, often very painful. It also reduces the working time and stimulates the descent of the baby. In addition, it allows mothers to relax more and be able to understand the contractions more serenely. Used to approach the term, it has a beneficial effect on the cervix and can help expand more quickly. For better effect, some practitioners use to complement a small current, sent on the needles: it is electro-acupuncture.Nitrous oxideThis gas mixture (half oxygen and half nitrous oxide) is a safe alternative for mom and baby. True relaxation cure, it allows the mother to perceive pain in a much less intense. The principle is to apply a mask over the face just before contraction and then inhaling the gas all the time of contraction. When it stopped, the mother removes the mask. The efficiency is achieved in 45 seconds, the peak of the contraction. This is not an anesthetic, so no risk of falling asleep. Nevertheless, a certain euphoria is often recognized, hence its name laughing gas.HypnosisThe word hypnosis comes from the Greek "hypnos" meaning "sleep". Do not worry, you will not dive into a deep sleep! The effect results in a particular state of concentration that allows the mom to be "disconnected". The therapist, through suggestions or pictures, helps you focus on the reduction of pain or anxiety. Hypnosis works only if a specific preparation for birth has been followed. No improvisation last minute!Relaxation therapyIntroduced in France in the 50s, this gentle method based on relaxation and breathing is defined as the science of consciousness, harmony and wisdom. The goal of relaxation therapy: better control of his body and his psyche through three degrees of relaxation - concentration, contemplation and meditation. It combines learning techniques to visualize the different stages of childbirth and breath control. Add on breathing exercises allowing the mother letting go during contractions and recover in between.HomeopathyIt is not specifically about pain or relaxation, but it reduces the working time and accelerates cervical dilatation. Without risk to the mother, it can be used in combination with other methods.

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