vendredi 31 juillet 2015

For or against epidurals

Pour ou contre la péridurale
At present, about 70% of women receive an epidural. This is THE radical solution to avoid suffering during childbirth. "Painful", "brilliant", you have heard all about it. The advantages and disadvantages of this technique.
Epidural: pros and consFor epidural
According to the latest survey of the Collective interassociative around birth (CIANE), 78% of women who wanted and had the epidural expressed satisfaction! The arguments in favor of epidural are numerous ...

Less tired by the pain, you will be more available for the arrival of your baby
You can keep all your lucidity without suffering
Current assays allow the epidural quite feel the passage of the baby. Long gone are the days when half of the body was paralyzed and where we passively present at the birth of her baby.
Some maternity hospitals offer the ambulatory epidural, the assays allow not to remain bedridden for the job.
You yourself decide when you want an epidural you are injected. But ideally, it should not wait until the last minute because the anesthetic might not be effective.
Epidurals do not increase the risk of cesarean section.
In the event of unplanned cesarean section, epidural anesthesia allows a less brutal that the administration of intravenous analgesics.
Epidurals, like any medical procedure can cause complications: accidents, however, remain very rare.
Against epidurals
Almost a quarter of women who had epidurals desired and were ultimately disappointed, reports the investigation Ciane. Meanwhile, 97% of women who have decided to give birth without an epidural were met. If you choose to give birth without an epidural ...

The duration of delivery can be extended. Epidurals somewhat modifies working hours and few slow the descent of the baby at the time of the expulsion.
Epidurals suppresses the urge to urinate frequently and therefore requires the placement of a urinary catheter.
Too dosed, epidurals can suppress feelings. Mom did not know then when or how to push. The use of instruments (forceps, vacuum) to remove the baby looks and more frequent.
Afterwards, some moms are disappointed because they feel they have not felt their unborn baby.
There is also the possible side effects of anesthesia can cause exceptionally headaches after delivery.
There may be some cons-indications: epidural can not be performed if you have a skin infection in the area where the injection is done, if you have anthrax or abscesses, if your temperature exceeds 38 ° C, if you present strong coagulation disorders or some herniated discs.
Alternatives to epidural:
The spinal anesthesia: it numbs the lower half of the body. Its effect is faster than the epidural but the risk of hypotension accidents are more important. Local anesthesia is a painkiller injection into the perineal muscles that alleviates pain from an episiotomy or use of forceps, but it does not remove the pain of contractions. Practical less "nursing" is also developing increasingly. Acupuncture, relaxation therapy, massage or haptonomy are all methods of childbirth preparation that help in principle to tolerate pain.

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