mercredi 5 août 2015

Digestive ostomies

In some cases, surgery of colon or rectal cancer may include the creation of a stoma, that is to say, the stoma of a bowel segment to abdominal skin to allow bowel movement instead of the anus, hence the term "stoma" sometimes used.
Stomie digestive
At large, an ostomy can be described as the branch (or deviation) of a natural surgical duct fails to fulfill its evacuation function due to illness or accident. When this concerns the intestine bypass, we talk about digestive stoma or ostomy. In the urinary tract, uses the term urostomy.

The word comes from the Greek stoma stoma meaning mouth, which explains, for example, the phrase "the colon is abouché abdomen," often used by doctors and nurses (eras) to describe the colostomy. Stoma is also the term used for the discharge opening in the skin (stoma).Digestive ostomies
Regarding digestive ostomies, there are:

Colostomy or surgical anastomosis of the large intestine to the abdominal skin for a derivation of fecal matter. In this case, the materials are molded evacuated.
The ileostomy or stoma in the abdomen of the ileum, the last part of the small intestine before the colon. Feces are liquid because they have not passed through the large intestine.
In both cases, feces are collected in a special bag that can be stuck on the stomach around the stoma (apparatus stoma).
Colostomies ileostomies as can be:

T emporaires (or protection): they are then closed during a second surgery after three months on average, with recovery of the intestinal continuity and anal discharge.
Final, when it becomes impossible to restore intestinal continuity and / or anal function.
In France, 100,000 patients concerned
According to data from the Association of French Entérostoma Therapists (AFET), approximately 100,000 people are infected with gastrointestinal stoma in France, mostly following surgery for colorectal cancer.
In 2008, the HAS (Health Authority) stated that among the 18,000 new cases of colon cancer reported in France every year, 30% of them will have a stoma, usually temporary (75% and colostomy ileostomy 25%). As for rectal cancer, the cumulative number of cases annually is 8 000. Again, 30% have a stoma, usually permanent.

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