The nude is everywhere, the nude is no longer taboo. But the exposure of nudity in society does not necessarily make ours more comfortable. Because the way we look at our body is influenced by these new aesthetic codes
"I really had a shock before the Lucian Freud nude Beaubourg (exhibition until July 19 at the Centre Pompidou), testifies Ninon, 36 And I was not alone. Around me, c ' was the same fascination, the same disorder. We are used to see so perfect bodies they express nothing intimate, you even forget they are naked! While at the tables, these bellies beads, these huge thighs, I felt that I was facing the real nudity in this its most vulnerable, and also more striking ... "A visual and emotional shock which has nothing to do with the effect produced by these young body, thin and firm exhibited tirelessly in advertising, fashion and film. For such is the paradox of contemporary nudity, hyperérotisée designed to violate and to stoke desire, but that rarely moves His shock and even less overexposure and commoditization pose a question that concerns us all.-nudity made it jump the locks of our complex and our inhibitions or by she installs new guise of liberation?
The reign of contradictions
It is as if the normalization of pornographic nudity - far beyond the stage of X - which breaks up, makeup and robs the body of his animal dimension (plucked actors, silicone, tattooed ...), had paradoxically made nudity more transgressive nature. "It is also this one, imperfect and unadorned, which is found in some citizen movements to denounce this or that cause, argues sociologist Christophe Colera, author of The Nude Editions du Cygne. What I call the affirmation nudity. "Thus, the photographer Spencer Tunick by asking seven hundred people stripped amid vineyards for Greenpeace.
It will be understood, there are many ways of being naked. The sociologist distinguishes three others: functional nudity (I undress to shower), nakedness as humiliation (that of prisoner of war) and finally nudity as a gift (eroticism, sexuality). It is the latter that is at the heart of all social and intimate issues. There are still a few decades before the 1970s, the body was not visible in society, and nudity strictly for privacy, hence its strong sexual charge. Today, breast gushing out of the neckline of an actress or close-ups of people who have forgotten their underwear are giggle or sigh the most jaded. The nude scenes in movies are innumerable ... But it is not so far, say the therapists, that men and women are more comfortable with their own nakedness. On the contrary !
"When I look in a mirror after laminated magazine or watched a movie, I measure all that separates the" elect "of ordinary mortals, sighs Laurine, 33. Although I know that light, makeup, photo editing are there ... "A survey last year revealed that 52% of French did not like their body and that nearly a third of them preferred to the love in the dark for the same reason ("Women and nudity" survey Tena / Ifop, April 2009). "What is striking and very damaging, says Sylvain Mimoun, gynecologist and andrologist, co-author of Sex and Sensibility (Albin Michel), is that the intimate is less the place of abandonment, the refuge , and increasingly that of the staging of his image, the spectacle of the body. "There's a real malaise produced by the gap between the artificial and the real nudity nudity. Especially among women, although the criticism not spare the men. According to the therapist, even if the body complex and fear of facing the other on his body not directly motivate the consultation in sexology, they are very often mentioned. "This confrontational relationship with her body image has a direct impact on the sexual relationship, the desire and pleasure, adds Sylvain Mimoun. When one is evil in his image, wrong in her nakedness, we do not abandon or under the hand of the other. "
In Focus? Excess weight, lack of firmness, the marks of time ... Isabelle, 41, admits, embarrassed, she avoids certain positions that highlight the beads of her belly and her breasts falling. Female obsessions have not changed. They always develop around the same "ideal" trio: Youth-firming slimming. A triptych inherited from Greek antiquity, says Christophe Colera, which corresponds to a "mathematisation aesthetics", that is to say, to a very specific coding that is beautiful and desirable. And, therefore, what is not. But the sociologist notes that the real body and real life émeuvent trouble growing. They could thus (re) become obscure objects of desire. The rondissime Marianne James posing naked on the cover of Gala magazine (October 7, 2009) she was not just another more troubling Paris Hilton naked?The birth of our sensations
"Being naked means finding a fluid state of non-separation where no clothes, no finery or parade separates us from the world," says Claire Margat, philosopher and art critic. A wellness that returns to the first physical and emotional sensations. And whose imprint is hardy enough to act as a barrier to the ambient pressure. "In our culture, nudity is reduced to image, to appearances, deplores Isabelle TEMPERVILLE, Gestalt therapist and assistant director of the Paris School of Gestalt. Now this is another way to meet his environment, giving and receiving. It's more that the image and the look is essentially an experience that invites our senses. "According to the therapist, how to live nudity depends on how one considers his body:" Either I have a separate body of me, I use without necessarily living, in this case, my relationship with it's narcissistic or utilitarian. Either I am this body, I live, I feel a whole. This does not necessarily mean that I like, but I feel for him a kind of quiet benevolence. "
Obviously, this relationship can not be decreed pacified. It is primarily the result of a parent-child relationship structuring and beneficial. The neuropsychiatrist Boris Cyrulnik showed in his work, particularly in the affective Foods (Editions Odile Jacob), the influence of the body wrap, emotional and language development in infants. Before him, the pediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald W. Winnicott British had demonstrated the importance of a good holding (the way the mother carries her baby and manipulates) in building its security and the perception of its body. We understand better why the bodily discomfort can strike women and men and plastically irreproachable save "imperfect" ... The first will have to learn that the second do without thinking: to live their body to stop judging him.
The time for reconciliation
Reconcile with his nakedness is a process that takes time. And who can hardly do without help. "There is work to be done on its beliefs, its past also says Isabelle TEMPERVILLE. We must not forget that a complicated nudity, painful, shameful may refer to physical or psychological abuse. The disease, a speech blaming the body and sexuality may also leave wounds that a professional can help to heal. "The therapist is certain live well his nakedness makes us stronger. This helps us to develop more sensory way, and more embodied in accepting our uniqueness. This inevitably makes us more responsive and more tolerant than the other.
The era of bare false
"Nudity becomes erotic if it plays with the forbidden and the transgression," says the philosopher and art critic Claire Margat. And therein lies the problem. For forty years after the sexual revolution, banned and transgressions have been reduced to a trickle. Forcing creators, designers and other "marketers" to constantly reinvent the codes of nudity, so desire. Thus, the real naked and fantasize that sale became a bare false. Examples: lingerie suggesting without showing nudity; boots that reveal toes and hide ankle; nude makeup, skin tones who dresses and powdered face better the stripper, and thus moves the eroticism of the nude body face; or the complete hair removal, making the woman's sex the only "place" nudity of her body.My body, my avatar
"Screen, my beautiful screen, make me the most beautiful ..." On the websites of brands such as La Redoute or H & M, virtual fitting rooms are popular. With a few clicks, they allow to try a dress or pants from a scanned photo or via an avatar to measurements of the user. More recently, the cosmetics company Shiseido has developed a digital make-up mirror reflection of his face. This is the latest consumer application of the so-called "augmented reality" technology devoted to blend the real and the virtual, based on the work of American computer scientist Ivan Sutherland. These screens give to see another self, which is no longer quite so nor quite another, infinitely changeable. "Is Lara Croft looks like Angelina Jolie or the reverse? "Asks the philosopher Alain Milon, author of The Virtual Reality, with or without the body (Otherwise, 2005). In the digital specialist, the body of flesh tend to disappear in favor of screens artifacts. Organic or digital nudity nudity? The choice is now possible, remains to be seen if he will free us or alienate more. Fabien Trécourt
"I really had a shock before the Lucian Freud nude Beaubourg (exhibition until July 19 at the Centre Pompidou), testifies Ninon, 36 And I was not alone. Around me, c ' was the same fascination, the same disorder. We are used to see so perfect bodies they express nothing intimate, you even forget they are naked! While at the tables, these bellies beads, these huge thighs, I felt that I was facing the real nudity in this its most vulnerable, and also more striking ... "A visual and emotional shock which has nothing to do with the effect produced by these young body, thin and firm exhibited tirelessly in advertising, fashion and film. For such is the paradox of contemporary nudity, hyperérotisée designed to violate and to stoke desire, but that rarely moves His shock and even less overexposure and commoditization pose a question that concerns us all.-nudity made it jump the locks of our complex and our inhibitions or by she installs new guise of liberation?
The reign of contradictions
It is as if the normalization of pornographic nudity - far beyond the stage of X - which breaks up, makeup and robs the body of his animal dimension (plucked actors, silicone, tattooed ...), had paradoxically made nudity more transgressive nature. "It is also this one, imperfect and unadorned, which is found in some citizen movements to denounce this or that cause, argues sociologist Christophe Colera, author of The Nude Editions du Cygne. What I call the affirmation nudity. "Thus, the photographer Spencer Tunick by asking seven hundred people stripped amid vineyards for Greenpeace.
It will be understood, there are many ways of being naked. The sociologist distinguishes three others: functional nudity (I undress to shower), nakedness as humiliation (that of prisoner of war) and finally nudity as a gift (eroticism, sexuality). It is the latter that is at the heart of all social and intimate issues. There are still a few decades before the 1970s, the body was not visible in society, and nudity strictly for privacy, hence its strong sexual charge. Today, breast gushing out of the neckline of an actress or close-ups of people who have forgotten their underwear are giggle or sigh the most jaded. The nude scenes in movies are innumerable ... But it is not so far, say the therapists, that men and women are more comfortable with their own nakedness. On the contrary !
"When I look in a mirror after laminated magazine or watched a movie, I measure all that separates the" elect "of ordinary mortals, sighs Laurine, 33. Although I know that light, makeup, photo editing are there ... "A survey last year revealed that 52% of French did not like their body and that nearly a third of them preferred to the love in the dark for the same reason ("Women and nudity" survey Tena / Ifop, April 2009). "What is striking and very damaging, says Sylvain Mimoun, gynecologist and andrologist, co-author of Sex and Sensibility (Albin Michel), is that the intimate is less the place of abandonment, the refuge , and increasingly that of the staging of his image, the spectacle of the body. "There's a real malaise produced by the gap between the artificial and the real nudity nudity. Especially among women, although the criticism not spare the men. According to the therapist, even if the body complex and fear of facing the other on his body not directly motivate the consultation in sexology, they are very often mentioned. "This confrontational relationship with her body image has a direct impact on the sexual relationship, the desire and pleasure, adds Sylvain Mimoun. When one is evil in his image, wrong in her nakedness, we do not abandon or under the hand of the other. "
In Focus? Excess weight, lack of firmness, the marks of time ... Isabelle, 41, admits, embarrassed, she avoids certain positions that highlight the beads of her belly and her breasts falling. Female obsessions have not changed. They always develop around the same "ideal" trio: Youth-firming slimming. A triptych inherited from Greek antiquity, says Christophe Colera, which corresponds to a "mathematisation aesthetics", that is to say, to a very specific coding that is beautiful and desirable. And, therefore, what is not. But the sociologist notes that the real body and real life émeuvent trouble growing. They could thus (re) become obscure objects of desire. The rondissime Marianne James posing naked on the cover of Gala magazine (October 7, 2009) she was not just another more troubling Paris Hilton naked?The birth of our sensations
"Being naked means finding a fluid state of non-separation where no clothes, no finery or parade separates us from the world," says Claire Margat, philosopher and art critic. A wellness that returns to the first physical and emotional sensations. And whose imprint is hardy enough to act as a barrier to the ambient pressure. "In our culture, nudity is reduced to image, to appearances, deplores Isabelle TEMPERVILLE, Gestalt therapist and assistant director of the Paris School of Gestalt. Now this is another way to meet his environment, giving and receiving. It's more that the image and the look is essentially an experience that invites our senses. "According to the therapist, how to live nudity depends on how one considers his body:" Either I have a separate body of me, I use without necessarily living, in this case, my relationship with it's narcissistic or utilitarian. Either I am this body, I live, I feel a whole. This does not necessarily mean that I like, but I feel for him a kind of quiet benevolence. "
Obviously, this relationship can not be decreed pacified. It is primarily the result of a parent-child relationship structuring and beneficial. The neuropsychiatrist Boris Cyrulnik showed in his work, particularly in the affective Foods (Editions Odile Jacob), the influence of the body wrap, emotional and language development in infants. Before him, the pediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald W. Winnicott British had demonstrated the importance of a good holding (the way the mother carries her baby and manipulates) in building its security and the perception of its body. We understand better why the bodily discomfort can strike women and men and plastically irreproachable save "imperfect" ... The first will have to learn that the second do without thinking: to live their body to stop judging him.
The time for reconciliation
Reconcile with his nakedness is a process that takes time. And who can hardly do without help. "There is work to be done on its beliefs, its past also says Isabelle TEMPERVILLE. We must not forget that a complicated nudity, painful, shameful may refer to physical or psychological abuse. The disease, a speech blaming the body and sexuality may also leave wounds that a professional can help to heal. "The therapist is certain live well his nakedness makes us stronger. This helps us to develop more sensory way, and more embodied in accepting our uniqueness. This inevitably makes us more responsive and more tolerant than the other.
The era of bare false
"Nudity becomes erotic if it plays with the forbidden and the transgression," says the philosopher and art critic Claire Margat. And therein lies the problem. For forty years after the sexual revolution, banned and transgressions have been reduced to a trickle. Forcing creators, designers and other "marketers" to constantly reinvent the codes of nudity, so desire. Thus, the real naked and fantasize that sale became a bare false. Examples: lingerie suggesting without showing nudity; boots that reveal toes and hide ankle; nude makeup, skin tones who dresses and powdered face better the stripper, and thus moves the eroticism of the nude body face; or the complete hair removal, making the woman's sex the only "place" nudity of her body.My body, my avatar
"Screen, my beautiful screen, make me the most beautiful ..." On the websites of brands such as La Redoute or H & M, virtual fitting rooms are popular. With a few clicks, they allow to try a dress or pants from a scanned photo or via an avatar to measurements of the user. More recently, the cosmetics company Shiseido has developed a digital make-up mirror reflection of his face. This is the latest consumer application of the so-called "augmented reality" technology devoted to blend the real and the virtual, based on the work of American computer scientist Ivan Sutherland. These screens give to see another self, which is no longer quite so nor quite another, infinitely changeable. "Is Lara Croft looks like Angelina Jolie or the reverse? "Asks the philosopher Alain Milon, author of The Virtual Reality, with or without the body (Otherwise, 2005). In the digital specialist, the body of flesh tend to disappear in favor of screens artifacts. Organic or digital nudity nudity? The choice is now possible, remains to be seen if he will free us or alienate more. Fabien Trécourt
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