We invite you to read also our listing on the role of the mother and father of the future during labor and childbirth. You'll find advice to help you live well this unforgettable experience.
Stage 1 work
Stage 2: downhill, pushed and birth of the baby
Stage 3: the placenta
Stage 4: the recovery period
Stage 1 work
This stage begins when contractions occur or at the time of rupture of membranes. It ends when the cervix is completely effaced (thinned) and dilated (opened). It must be opened 10 cm to allow the baby to leave the uterus.
This is the longest stage. The duration of this stage varies according to different factors such as the number of previous births, the activity level of the mother during labor, positions used, the weight of the baby, etc. For example, work for a woman he is a first birth will tend to be longer than for the mother who has given birth. The woman walking will tend to have a shorter stage 1 since the gravity favors the descent of the baby.
The duration of this first stage can thus vary on average from 7 to 16 hours. The average was 12.5 hours for a first childbirth.
The stage 1 comprises three phases: lag phase, the active phase and the transition phase.The lag phase
You may not know you have entered the early phase of the work, as the contractions can be mild and resemble a bad back, a pain in the groin or menstrual cramps that are felt by intermittently.
The contractions are felt every 5-30 minutes. They last 30 to 45 seconds. During this phase, the cervix may dilate (open) until 3 cm.
On your cervix can be examined by hospital staff (nurse, midwife or doctor) who, after putting a glove insert fingers into your vagina to determine the opening of the cervix.
During this phase, you usually feel some excitement and nervousness at the thought that the baby will come soon. You have an energy that allows you to focus on work. Some mothers are silent while others are playful and talkative.
The active phase
The contractions are felt every 3-5 minutes. They last 40 to 70 seconds, which allows the collar to achieve an expansion to 7 cm. This phase lasts about 3 to 6 hours.
Contractions become longer, closer and more painful. You feel the need to stop walking or talking during contractions. You may have more difficulties to endure the pain.
The rupture of membranes may occur during this phase.
You are usually admitted to the hospital or birth center during this phase.
Various non-pharmacological methods of pain relief will be offered by the health care team (walking, massage with pressure points, different positions, ball birth, therapeutic bath, epidural ...)
Upon arrival at the hospital, your doctor may suggest pharmacological methods for pain relief as narcotic analgesics, epidural anesthesia or administration of oxygen if you need it.
It may be useful for people around you know what is good for you during this period of painful contractions. Some women feel the need to retreat into their bubble, while others want a visual, physical contact (massage, hand in hand, support during position changes) during contractions. All of these behaviors are normal.
The transition phase
This phase lasts for 20 to 40 minutes. Contractions are felt every 2 to 3 minutes and they last 45 to 90 seconds.
During this last cervical dilatation step, the neck opening reaches its maximum, or up to 10 centimeters. This is the shortest stage, but the most difficult.
It is likely that you have the impression that there is no break between contractions.
You may experience hot flashes while having cold hands and feet.
You may have nausea and vomiting.
You could do or say things that you would not normally say or do. You could lose your concentration. It's normal.
Try to encourage you in welcoming you to brave a contraction at a time. Remember that each contraction, your baby is close to you.
Concentrate on your breathing and take a breathing rhythm that suits you, that makes you good. Avoid breathing quickly because you might hyperventilate (dizziness sensations and numb hands).
Stage 2: descent and birth of the baby
Stage 2 begins when the dilation (opening) complete the cervix. It ends at birth. It has 3 phases. During this stage, the contractions are felt every 2 to 5 minutes and they last 60 to 90 seconds.
Stage 2 varies from birth to another. For reference, it takes longer for women giving birth for the first time. It may extend up to 3 hours. For mothers who have given birth, this stage can be a mean duration of 15 minutes.Phase 1
This phase begins when the cervix is fully dilated and ends when the urge to push is felt.Phase 2
This phase begins when the urge to push is felt and ends with the release of the baby's head. It is of variable duration.
Each time you push the baby's head is increasingly visible in the vaginal canal. At the end of each contraction, the baby back a little until the next contraction pushes it further.
The baby's presenting height of 2-4 (out of the baby's head).
There are two schools of thought regarding the urge to push. In the first, you must listen to your body and start pushing when the urge arises following the doctor's instructions, nurse or midwife.
In the second, you do not need to push before being fully dilated, as this could swell the cervix and slow work. If the urge to push arises before the end of the expansion, you can gasp (to "hi-hi-hi-hoo") to retard the thrust.
Sometimes the urge to push is not manifested. In this case, the speakers will tell you when to do it.
Effective thrust ensures maximum oxygen supply to the mother and baby and allows the perineum to stretch gradually. Here are some tips to grow efficiently:
Bend your elbows and hold onto your legs or grab bar with your hands.
Lower your chin toward your chest and slightly open mouth.
Relax the pelvic floor muscles (pelvic floor).
Unless we tell you that the baby has to come out quickly, do it gradually down by March-May small outbreaks with each contraction:
- This will promote the gradual stretching of tissues and prevent or minimize tearing.
- In addition, this method is less demanding for the baby.
Be sure to stay focused by putting every effort to lower your baby.
Imagine that you want to give the most possible space to your baby. This visualization will help the baby optimal descent.
Do not block your breath for thrust. You should not stop breathing for more than 5 seconds.
Often an expiratory grunt accompanied thrust. Growling is an effective method because it revealed the diaphragm, thus pressing the top of the uterus. This natural vocalization should be encouraged. This is not the case screams, which prevent rather push.
The speaker who will accompany you will be able to inform you of the effects of your thrust on the descent of the baby.
Express what you feel between contractions. The speakers will inform you or to adjust their operations to suit your needs.
Rest and relax between contractions.
If you have had an epidural, it may be that you do not feel the need to grow. You can wait until you really need ressentiez to do. Thus, the baby will make its descent naturally without you push. When the mother expects many feel the need to push, it was demonstrated that:
- The push is more efficient and that the mother gets tired less;
- There are fewer births assisted with forceps or a suction cup;
- The risk of perineal tears is lower;
- The baby experiences less stress and less fatigue due to better oxygenation).
During this phase, the baby's presentation height is 0-2. The baby should go down to 4 before being born. The height of the presentation of the baby is equivalent to measuring the baby's descent into the basin. A negative number means that the baby's head does not engage in the pelvis and a positive number means that the baby's head has passed the pubic bone.Phase 3
This phase starts at the exit of the baby's head and ends at birth. You have to push with each contraction.
Your perineum swells and stretches your skin when you push.
This causes a burning sensation, often called "ring of fire". This feeling only lasts a few seconds.
Stage 3: the placenta
This stage begins at the birth of the baby and ends with the placenta. This stage is usually the shortest.
After the baby is born, the uterus contracts and the placenta begins to take off. You may be asked to push a few times to facilitate the expulsion of the placenta. This expulsion should be completed within 30 minutes after the baby is born.
At birth, he will be offered to place the baby on your belly. This skin-to-skin contact with your baby at birth and in the hours (ideally the first 2 hours) secures the baby and promotes the discovery of your baby.
The skin to skin contact also helps your body to release oxytocin (a natural hormone). This hormone helps your uterus to contract thereby reducing the risk of excessive bleeding. This contact is also beneficial for the baby because it helps stabilize breathing and heart rate after delivery, while keeping warm.
If tear or episiotomy, your doctor will suture after delivery of the placenta.
You will receive the injection of a drug that will help your uterus contract and to prevent possible bleeding after childbirth.
The nurse or midwife can also massage your uterus to keep it firm and contracted. It is possible that during this maneuver you feel some discomfort. If needed, you can breathe as you did during labor.
Stage 4: the recovery period
This stage lasts about four hours.
This is a phase focused on your comfort and monitoring your condition. This is a special time for you and your baby, since you are together as a family for the first time. This is a time when each discovers the other. While ensuring respect your privacy family, professionals will ensure that everything is proceeding normally.
The nurse will check from time to time your breathing, your heart rate, your blood pressure, your temperature and your bleeding.
It will clean your perineum, place a pad and apply ice to reduce swelling.
We offer you a clean hospital shirt and a warm blanket. You will greatly appreciate, because you can feel chilly after birth. Which is quite normal. It's like after intense exercise.
It is also possible that you wanted to eat or drink. You just provide considerable physical effort. Eat according to your ability.
Establish a relationship with your baby.
Continue the skin to skin contact with your baby which can promote breastfeeding. Indeed, the skin to skin contact can encourage the baby to take the breast within the first hour after birth. During this period, the baby is alert and stimuli such as sight and touch of the nipple, the smell and taste of colostrum may encourage him to take the breast.
If your state does not allow the skin to skin contact, it may be done by the father or other significant person. You can take your baby skin to skin later when you will be able to do it.
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