Childbirth can be described differently depending on the level and type of support provided during the birth. When the mother goes into labor spontaneously (which usually occurs near the expected date of confinement; between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation), she can know one of the following types of delivery:
Natural Childbirth - The child is born in position "head first" through the vagina (birth canal), supervised by a health care professional who ensures that the mother and baby are healthy, but the work evolves without assistance Medical.
Normal delivery - The child is born in position "head first" through the vagina (birth canal), but an intervention by a healthcare professional may be necessary during childbirth. (See section: "What interventions do we consider to be part of a normal birth?")
Assisted delivery - If the mother or baby or are risks that the work is not progressing normally, medical intervention, such as the use of forceps or vacuum extraction or a cesarean is needed during delivery.
Five Canadian premier medical organizations have joined forces to encourage Canadians to consider a normal labor and delivery. *What interventions do we consider to be part of a normal birth?
Sometimes the mother or baby need assistance during labor. Your health care provider will discuss the need for a particular intervention before practice and you will include in the process of decision making.
Acceleration of work - Sometimes, especially during prolonged labor, contractions may decrease, failing to dilate the cervix or do not help the baby out of the birth canal. Your healthcare professional will evaluate the situation. Drugs like oxytocin, can be administered to stimulate contractions, do
advance work and encourage active thrust. Usually, a nurse or a midwife will monitor your progress during labor.
Monitoring the heart rate of the baby - Monitoring the baby's heart rate is one way to know if the baby is healthy during labor and delivery. In Canada, in the case of low-risk pregnancies, a health care provider usually stays with the woman during labor and uses a doppler monitor the fetal heart rate to monitor the baby's heartbeat after a contraction or every 15 to 30 minutes
during the first stage of labor and every five minutes during the second stage. If your healthcare professional has to leave the room for an extended period, continuous electronic fetal monitoring using a device can be used. During a normal delivery, electronic fetal monitoring may not be needed at all.
Artificial rupture of membranes - During the work, the amniotic sac (fluid) around the baby breaks so that the head of it can come out of the birth canal. During active labor, if the break does not occur, your health care provider can pierce the bag, known as interference breaking the amniotic sac.
Reducing pain during labor - Some women experience pain that can be managed quite easily, while others require more pain relief, particularly because of the baby's position, work Prolonged or their own pain threshold. Most Canadian hospitals offer different options, some with drugs and other drugs not, that mitigate the pain in early labor.
The methods without drugs include the position change, mobility, a shower or a warm bath, acupuncture, using a birth ball, hypnosis, a comforting touch and massage.
Injectable pain medications, such as morphine and fentanyl can be administered throughout the work.
The analgesic medications (anesthetics) causes a total loss of sensation in the lower body.
An epidural involves inserting a needle into the lower back for the administration of a drug visantà numb the pain.
Nitrous oxide is an inhaled gas by means of a mask which can be used in the second stage of labor.
Active management of the third stage of labor - Following childbirth, an injection of oxytocin, a drug that helps the uterus to contract and prevent a large blood loss (postpartum hemorrhage) may be administered. This is a safe procedure and routinely practiced in Canada.What is not a normal birth?
In some cases, the mother or the baby may show abnormal signs or does not feel good, such as a fetal heart rate or irregular idling during contractions, and health care can take immediate steps to give birth the baby . One of the following interventions can be performed, but does not
part of a normal delivery:
Using forceps or vacuum extraction: Instruments used by the doctor during childbirth.
Forceps are two thin and curved spatulas that can slide around the baby's head inside the birth canal.
The vacuum extractor is a plastic dome that applies suction on the baby's head.
Both instruments are used to help the baby out of the birth canal when in a difficult position and that the mother is exhausted and can no longer push the baby herself. Forceps and suction require training and special conditions before use.
Caesarean section: This surgery is recommended when vaginal delivery can cause a risk to the mother or baby. Visit our brochure "Cesarean: What you need to know to get more information."
The following situations may still lead to a vaginal birth but require training and special care:
Headquarters Presentation - The baby out of the birth canal by foot or behind. Visit our brochure entitled "Birth of the seat to get more information."
Vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) - A large majority of Canadian hospitals provide women who have had a caesarean section the opportunity to deliver vaginally.What are the advantages of a normal birth?
Several advantages result from a normal delivery, both mother and baby:
No surgery or complications accompanying;
Reduced risk of injuries and infections;
Quick and shortened hospital stay Recovery
Increased confidence and reduces stress.
Throughout your pregnancy, health professionals and support will put you at ease so you are ready for a normal delivery.How to prepare for a normal delivery?
Get information about childbirth from Canadian reliable sources. Health care professionals, nurses, midwives and doctors have teaching material (such as "Beginnings" book published by the SOGC).
Attend prenatal classes.
Feed yourself well and practice the exercises daily.
Develop a birth plan. Talk to your health care professional beforehand and make sure you have it with you when you come into work.
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